Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Battle...

You've had it.
I've had it.
We've all had it.

Some weeks, it's most days. Some weeks, it's absent. Sometimes, deserts us. Other times, it nags us.

No,'s not our partner in life, nor our mother-in-law.

It is 'the battle'. It's the internal dialogue we have while deciding between 'now' or 'later'. It's the conversation we have with ourself about putting the session/run off and getting changed and getting out the door and doing it now. It's the whisper of future guilt if we delay, and don't deliver. It's a measure of the call of the running gods, "go and run". 

The battle nestles comfortably with procrastination. For runners, procrastination is the art and science of delaying the inevitable - vigorous agitation of the body by placing one foot in front of the other, at speed, to bring pleasure, pain and pride. The battle is first-cousin to the 'little voice'.

I battled this morning. I coached. I coffee-d. I sat in my car for 20 mins. Procrastination visited. Guilt rang. I changed running shoes three times. In the end, I went. I ran.

As each of us know, each time we battle, each time we defeat the temptation of 'later', once we have our gear on and are a few minutes into our run (or jog) we wonder what all the fuss was about.

The battle is important. It's important you deal with it there and then. Each battle you win is a tick the running gods place beside your name. Persistence and consistency are key elements to becoming a better (and faster, and wiser) runner. Each battle you win is a check for you in the persistence and consistency columns.

I have this rule. If you begin to battle; begin to consider delaying; begin to re-schedule - simply shut up, and put up. Put your gear on. Get out there. And run. Then.

The battle then is done, and won.
And you did it.

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