Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Secret to Better Running...

Thirty-two years and 835,000+kms of running, and 25 years of coaching I've learnt a few things.
And, I' still learning; the more you learn the more you realise there is to learn.
I could say I know a thing or two.

I've even learnt a secret or two. Yet do they remain secrets if I tell you? Maybe, maybe not.

There is a secret to becoming a better runner.
It may be a secret you already know.
It may not.

For you, I've compiled over 300 ways to become a better runner. Here...distilled into nine:

  1. better training - better progressions, better variety, better pacing
  2. better 'smarts' - better strategies, better reviews, better habits, better knowledge
  3. better competing (and racing) - better awareness, better strategies, better execution, better fight
  4. better plans - better long-term perspective, better structure, better flexibility, less short-cuts
  5. better movement: better mechanics, better technique, better form
  6. better balance - better life-balance, better balance of all training components, better load & recovery balance
  7. better culture: better awareness, better leadership, less following, better fad-detection
  8. better coaching - better relationship, better communication, better lesson-learning
  9. better self 
Which strikes you the most? Which can you best become better at?

Whichever you choose, there it is -  your secret.   And that's mine, shared with you.

The secret to better running and becoming a better runner is better choices.

But you knew that, right!
Not knowing what you don't know smarts, as does realising that you already know what you wanted to know.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Running relationships

In June (after reading 'Kings of the Road – how Frank Shorter, Bill Rodgers, and Alberto Salazar made running go boom') I suggested to a friend of mine about sharing his story.

He replied, indicating that he thought he didn't really have a story to tell or an audience.
Of course, I disagreed - he's been around running (and writing) for 50-odd years.

I thought long and hard about his reply, and mine. I offered this... 

Running is about relationships
  • the relationship between a runner and others: those around, beside, alongside and occasionally against him or her - racers, runners, contemplators, gonners, and non-runners
  • the relationship between a runner and Mother Nature: amongst hills, rain, humidity, wind, sand, snow, mud, grass, cold and heat, and amongst plants, bugs and furry critters, the runner can be any or all of explorer, thespian, wanderer, apprentice, artisan, master, sage and oracle - having eyes for and of the future.
  • the relationship  amongst self: muscle, mind, mettle, and soul and spirit
  • the relationship between runner and person: himself, pride, ego and super ego
  •  the relationship between science and art: physics, physiology and psychology, and mystery, marvel and magic
  • the relationship between sharing and shared
  • the relationship between goals, determination, work and pride, sacrifice and dedication; even, for some, obbsession and addiction
  • the relationship between energy, effort and economy
  • the relationship between persistence, patience and power 
  • the relationship between going out and about and starting and finishing in the same spot – going somewhere, everywhere, yet nowhere 
  • the relationship between a runner's deep history, his now, and a possible future - a future dreamt, and a future possible 
  • the relationship between success and failure: slipping, falling and getting up and going again - and again
  • the relationship between winning and losing, and realising that they're not about first and last place - but, rather, the power of persistence and patience
  • and, ultimately, their relationship with the toughest race of all – the race against oneself. Other competitors, times and places matter not in the finish. The race against, and ultimately for oneself is the race we all strive to win. Only through trusting oneself to test one's limits and having the courage to succeed can we all be winners.
Given your own running success, the journey you shared as running grew through the 60s, 70s and 80s, and the relationships you have forged and formed directly with and through running, and through your writings, you do have a story to tell.

The relationship(s) all runners have with running and what it offers, promises and provides is a story you can tell and, in many ways, is everyone's story. 

If you were to tell your story of running what would it be?

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Running Better - early thoughts

Better Running...

Beginning or starting running is one thing. Continuing it is another.
Being  a patient and persistent (ie. regular) runner will bring improvements - you'll become a better runner. Many, at times, chose to be more proactive with getting better.

I've been working on this specific area the last few days. An area touched by 25 years of coaching, 32 years of running and some 832,000+ kms 

I've thought about it from the perspectives of: Why get better?  How get better?  When will I get better?  What makes be better?  Who can help me?  Where Can I go to get better?  I stayed away from the moral imperatives: should do, must do, ought to, have to, need to. Too limiting. I strayed to the creative – may do, like to, could do, try to, will do. And the powerful – will do.

A long list of "betters" found it's way. For now, this will do.

Running Better...

Running better means different things to different people: going further or longer; running easier or with less effort; going faster; improved pacing and racing; handling hills; changing terrain and surface, combatting heat, wind, cold, rain, wind, snow; bouncing back and staying back after injury...

Getting better came down to being BETTER:

B = Basics: don’t' stray to far away from the principles of good practice and good practise. Oh, and you''ll be best served by running. For the most part - forget the bike, and pool and gym
E = Effort: we can getlittle for nothing these days, yet you can get a lot from a little. It will take energy, and  - yes - some effort
T = Time: give it time, make time and it will come – in time
T = Training: run - practise, rehearse, review, revise and rework – training guides you, and creates your journey from your past, through now, and to your future
E = Effective: aim for sustained long term progress, and be wary the promises of efficient short-cuts, tips, and tricks. The only secret is that there is none.
R = Relationships: with yourself - your body, mind and spirit; with mother Nature – her tests and tribulations; with others – your friends, your team-mates, and competitors. For, ultimately, you may run for and by yourself, yet you will do this amongst, beside and alongside millions of others around the world.

How do you aim to run better?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Becoming a runner - thoughts on getting going

Running is the world’s best form of exercise and boasts millions of participants worldwide.

The beauty of running is its simplicity – it can be done just about anywhere by anyone anytime, and at little expense.

Running builds fitness, increases health, promotes a healthy body, improves your state of mind, and makes you more energetic & productive. But this you've probably already heard, read or know.

Running also has the power to rewire your brain, and change your life…setting you on a path, or trail, beyond what you’ve dreamt possible.

So running is a good thing. Starting running can be a challenge: energy, time, past experience, perceptions. Here are some thoughts to color those perceptions...

Become a runner…

Becoming a runner… is about making the decision to start, and letting your feet to the talking and take you on a journey to the future. It isn’t about what you have or haven’t done in the past, nor what you do now.

Becoming a runner… is about moving forward - one foot after the after, step-by-step, breath-by-breath. It’s not about what gear you’ve got, how you look, nor how far or how fast you go.

Becoming a runner… is about doing what you can when you can, and juggling running as a new part of your life – as small or as big as you let it. It isn’t about the ability to focus on a single thing, nor to pretend that the inevitable distractions (and disappointments) of life don’t trip you up.

Becoming a runner... is about getting out the door and, yes, making some effort and taking some time - only to have that energy and quality-time come back more-fold. It’s not about blood, sweat, tears and puking, and reaching the depths of your capacity.

Becoming a runner... is about some is better than none. It isn’t about committing endless hours, running everyday of the week, nor having to keep up with anyone.

To become a runner … you only need the desire to start, a little fire in the belly, and a willingness to share a journey with, alongside, amongst and, and maybe later, against others.

Become a runner. Start running!