Friday, December 23, 2011

The Line...

It's that time of year.

It's Christmas. Christmas means different things to different people, for different reasons.

For some, it's the storm before the calm of a New Year; it can be the license to let your hair down and your stomach out before starting over; or, even the mayhem before drawing a line in the sand.

That line comes in different forms. It too means different things to different people.
It can be about:
  • stating a point beyond which you will not go
  • indicating a point where you've had enough (draw 'the line')
  • highlighting a time when you're about to change direction, take a different tact; to change
  • to highlight something new, bold and adventurous (to put in on 'the line')
  • emphasising a point where any further effort is unproductive (end of 'the line')
Yet, I'm not sure if 'the line' really holds it's worth in gold, or sand. It's too easy to forego 'the line' as we frame it for ourselves, or others. While pausing from a cycle (sorry!) beachside this morning I saw a young boy, no more than 4 or 5 years old, drag a stick along the beach. He drew an impressive line: straight, and long. He called to his mum, "Mum, stop. Look!" He jumped from side-to-side over the line, then ran back to the start and did it all again. And again.

His line ended, yet was never-ending. Well, at least until mum got bored and needed her coffee. It was easy for him to make or profess his line in the sand. It was just as easy to step over it, and continue on his merry way.

As we come into the festive season, and the trimmings and trappings and turkeys of Christmas are bypassed for the resolutions of the New Year, what form will your line take?

      Will it be one of action, or of action stopped? 

Will it be one of drive or determination or passion?

Perhaps it will be another case of the never-ending line that fades into the distance, one defined by many and followed by many more? Will you do it because others have, or not do it because other's haven't? Will you follow this line and start again next year, and the year after? And the one after that, again?

Will your line in the sand truly mark a new beginning, or a new ending?

Or, will you - a day, a week, a minor set-back, a month, an injury later - step over your line and wander, walk or run on, back to your old path? And wonder why? 

You may not. But the running gods will.

Be wary, and toe that line!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

All sorts...

Runners come in all shapes and sizes.

And speeds and styles.  And outfits and gadgets.

I got wondering about this while out and  about coaching this morning. The pleasure of coaching my in2running squad was magnified by the beautiful sunrise and early morning weather. The Botanical Gardens ('The Tan') in Melbourne attracts runners of all types: runners like you, runners like me, and runners like us.

Some speed by, others shuffle by; some stride past, many sigh past; some ease along, others pant-n-puff strong; yet, all move in their own way, and run along.

After our session I rewarded myself with a an hour-and-some of run/walk. I took my new Garmin Forerunner for a test run. Thank you to in2runners for this generous gift. It's nicknamed the Forderunner, hehe.

Then, I got to coach some speedy and agile football players, both Soccer and Australian Rules Football. More different shapes and sizes and speeds. And needs.

To this point, we've looked at some basics of program design. Let's take it a little further. As we do that let's be clear on the different types of running. Strangely enough their are different types of types of running. What the?

There are types defined by differences in gait, technique and mechanics: walk, jog, run, sprint.
There are types defined by distance: sprints, middle-distance, long distance, ultra-. Each of these have their own classifications and event names.
There are types defined by obstacles: hurdles or 'sticks', steeple-chase.
There are types defined by terrain: hill, trail, cross-country, even orienteering and rogaining.
There are types defined by outcomes: health-related, fitness-related running, performance-related running. Some even run for it's contribution to aesthetics.
There are types defined by relationship: individual, team, age-group.
There are types defined by no definition, yet for the exhileration and the experience.

Training effectively for each of these different types of running simply requires us to understanding running in context: who it's for, what they're training for, and the demands of their event.

A one-approach to training for running does not fit all people, nor does it fit all athletes or all events. It certainly doesn't fit all outcomes or goals, and nor should it remain the same for all people over time. This is Training Programs 101, 102 and 201.

Although sprints, middle-distance and endurance events all involve for them requires different and individualised programs over time.  Yet, each effective program will be based upon sound athletic development principles of training.

In blogs to come I'll share my experiences with you about program design for endurance events.

Endurance runners come in all shapes and sizes.

What sort are you, and me?

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Running Gods...

We are blessed.

I used to think the running gods visited as people, as runners like you and me.

More accurately, that they anthrpomorphised as Steve Ovett, Steve Cram, Seb Coe, Mary Decker, Grete Waitze, Said Aouita, Steve Smith, Rob de Castella, and others. In other words, when it suited them, the running gods would take human form, and race. And run...oh so smoothly, and oh so fast.

Anthropomorphosis.  Ann-thro-po-morf-oh-sis...'tis a big word. And, long.
It means transforming into human form.

As one who leans more towards evolutionism than intelligent design, I now know better. 

As smooth, sleek and speedy elite runners are, they are not the running gods. Sure, although the, errr, 'parental interaction' that gave their genetic predisposition and 'will' to run may have been blessed by the running gods, these speedsters still needed to demonstrate the choice, courage and determination, and do the miles and repetitions, and suffer the aches and pains like the rest of us. No, great and good runners are not the running gods.

The running gods are our own. They sit in judgement and challenge our resolve, our commitment, our courage, and persistence, and consistency, our 'smarts' or 'common sense', and our application to achieving our self-confessed and self-imposed goals. They tick or check the columns that matter beside our names.

These running gods come in all shapes, sizes and forms: as injury, as fatigue, as the elements (heat, cold, wind, rain, hail, snow), as ill-health, as motivation loss, as temptation, as procrastination, as 'the battle', as the 'little voice', as the red-line, as 'the wall', as hills, as life and lifestyle, as family, as work or study, as the choices we make in humility, adversity and grace. And pace. 

These running gods want to know if we are worthy: worthy of the lofty goals we set ourselves;  worthy of the distances and times, and joy and pride of those who have run millenia before us; worthy of the true medals and podiums...self-fulfillment and achievement.

The running gods bless us with choice: the choice to run, the choice by which you and me become better people and runners.

Running can transform.

And, bless that.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Battle...

You've had it.
I've had it.
We've all had it.

Some weeks, it's most days. Some weeks, it's absent. Sometimes, deserts us. Other times, it nags us.

No,'s not our partner in life, nor our mother-in-law.

It is 'the battle'. It's the internal dialogue we have while deciding between 'now' or 'later'. It's the conversation we have with ourself about putting the session/run off and getting changed and getting out the door and doing it now. It's the whisper of future guilt if we delay, and don't deliver. It's a measure of the call of the running gods, "go and run". 

The battle nestles comfortably with procrastination. For runners, procrastination is the art and science of delaying the inevitable - vigorous agitation of the body by placing one foot in front of the other, at speed, to bring pleasure, pain and pride. The battle is first-cousin to the 'little voice'.

I battled this morning. I coached. I coffee-d. I sat in my car for 20 mins. Procrastination visited. Guilt rang. I changed running shoes three times. In the end, I went. I ran.

As each of us know, each time we battle, each time we defeat the temptation of 'later', once we have our gear on and are a few minutes into our run (or jog) we wonder what all the fuss was about.

The battle is important. It's important you deal with it there and then. Each battle you win is a tick the running gods place beside your name. Persistence and consistency are key elements to becoming a better (and faster, and wiser) runner. Each battle you win is a check for you in the persistence and consistency columns.

I have this rule. If you begin to battle; begin to consider delaying; begin to re-schedule - simply shut up, and put up. Put your gear on. Get out there. And run. Then.

The battle then is done, and won.
And you did it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

What's in a name?

"Hey, where're you going?

Brad didn't really want to know. He didn't have his glasses so couldn't make out Steve getting changed.
He was trying to drag Steve and few other friends to the pub. It was beer o'clock!

"I'm about to train, dude!"
"Ah, you're going for a jog...?"
"No, hey, listen man! I've told you before I don't jog. I'm going for a run. I'm a runner!"
"Jog, run...what's the difference?" Brad naively asks.
"There's a big difference, dude!"

Is there? Really?
Many years ago I read we all start as joggers and at some stage, when we enter a race, we become known as racers. And only when we see and experience running for what it is do we become true runners. At the time, I was a racer, one who competed against others and times. The last decade or so, I've morphed to become one of those types - a true runner.  Oh, I'm still competitive though, just not against others; my racing days are done.
Which are you?

Brad likes to ride regularly, as transport to and from his workplace. He likes to be known as a cyclist, not a 'rider'. Steve is into triathlons, yet never refers to himself or other tris as 'paddlers', 'riders' and 'joggers'.

Brad found his way to a pre-pub cafe; one that overlooked the park where Al and Steve would run. Brad and a mate decided to sit and wait for them...

If you run, where are you going?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Programs 201: Good stuff...

It's happened again.

A coach cut-and-paste a program from the internet over the weekend. He asked, "Is this a good program, Fordy. Could I use it?"

"Of course", I replied, "you could use it!"
More to the point, simply by using it because you can doesn't mean it is good. So...I had him think about if he 'should' use it. Very different question.

Back to what makes a "good" program. You may recall that what a program is depends upon your perspective, experience and, importantly, your expectations. Therefore, your judgement of "good" (or not) depends upon who you are, your running and training (and injury) background, your running capacity, what you know or have experienced, what you value, your lifestyle, and what you're aiming for, at the least.

It depends upon your context, and how you go about framing your view of a program.  The coach had began to frame the program in terms of accessibility, clarity, and presentation. All understandable given the practical and practicable nature of us coaching-types. context.

Helping the coach appreciate what he'd found in a more relevant context, I explained the three fundamental elements of a program (1) it's a journey - a planned, reflective, reactive, respectful, and robust trip; (2) as a journey it has a destination; it considers your/team's current situation; and, considers your/team's past; (3) it must be planned - providing direction and based upon fundamental training principles.

The program he found had no reference to his larger sport's program nor was it directly relevant to the athletes he coached. Knowing what existed, it couldn't have been relevant to the elements or outcomes of his program. It wasn't a journey for him to take, yet simply a snap-shot of part of someone else's journey. It had taken no stock of the past, current and future situation of his athletes.

He got it! He needed to plan his program from the bigger perspective first: at 5, 3 and 1 year levels. He had to consider and map out what his juniors (12-13yo) and seniors (17-18yo) were to achieve as young people, as athletes, as runners. Then consider the backgrounds of his athletes, the resources he'd have, and what time frames were available.

Once he knew where he was going, who was likely to take the journey with him, and what resources he had...he could construct a program. Implementing it, and reviewing it against objectives and criteria over time, would bring it to life. And, a planned, living, breathing and effective program is a "good" program.

A "good" program is not one to cut, copy and paste. It is one to plan, implement, individualise, review and re-work...all with the destination in mind. It is all of smart, knowledgeable and wise.

Nor is a "good" program a simple routine of increasing distance, repetition numbers and speed, and reducing rest periods.

Dependent upon why you run and what you're aiming for, a "good" program is determined solely by meeting the objectives it sets out to achieve for you. It is likely to require you to complete a developmental sequence of progressive and varied sessions and activities relevant to you, your capacity, and the demands of your event. This developmental sequence will be based upon the creative or artistic application of scientific training principles over time.

Yet, you can have the most scientific based, most comprehensively thought out and planned, intricately detailed, varied, colourful and expensive program in the world yet, if you are unable to follow it, don't like it, give up on it, get injured through it, or it is too hard, too easy, or too boring for you, then it isn't worth the little bit of cyberspace you cut-and-paste it from.

Of's 'no good' if it doesn't work for you.    Don't let that happen...again.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Runner's 12 Days of Christmas

Sung to the tune of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'...

12 runners running
11 athletes striding
10 nights of sleeping
9 miles a-winding
    (or whining)
8 minds a-wondering
7 days a-training
6 thoughts a straying
5 olden hamstrings
4 horrendous hills
3 garmin watches
2 hurting blisters
&, a pace that won't kill me
     (or, a brand new pair of Nike [Ny-kee])

Friday, December 2, 2011

Programs 102: The puzzle

A good (training) program is like a jig-saw puzzle.

You know where you want to finish, you can see your destination - the completed puzzle. You've got a bunch of pieces (or sessions) to put together. And, you've got time.

Jig-saws are puzzling, haha. Everyone knows how to do them yet, there are no rules for completing them. Or are there?   Training programs are similar.

Try this:

Scenario One: you purchase your puzzle. You take it home. You look at the picture.  You empty all the pieces from the box. You check the time. You begin: collate the corners and edges, then group the objects and colored features. Piece by piece, over time, your puzzle - your destination - comes together. You have a break every now and then. On return, refreshed, you complete more.

Scenario Two: you have an event to train for, a race. You've entered. You sit down to plan your journey. You've got 16 weeks. You know the race length, the topography, the  likely conditions. You note your family and work demands. You draft a plan. You note down some favourite sessions, some need to do sessions, and some must do sessions. You take pride in outlining tougher sessions. You plan some easier sessions, and schedule some 'lighter weeks'. You re-wrok your plan.

The completed jig-saw puzzle is your race, your destination - the end-product. The unwritten rules of jig-sawing (corners, edges, objects, colors etc), are the training principles that underpin "good" program design and implementation. They're often implied, but need to be mastered. The pieces you put together are the individual training elements, activities and sessions you juggle with the rest of your life(-style). The mental breaks equate with lighter sessions, rest days and 'unloading' weeks.

The point of difference: life is four dimensional, at least. You live and breathe it over time; your program requires flexibility. The jig-saw, modern versions aside, are 2-D. Their pictures are static. The 'picture' which is your destination - the race - evolves a little as time strides by, and you need to juggle the newly shaped pieces.

We need to jiggle and juggle, and jog and wiggle to complete the puzzle that is a race, and running

And life.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Programs 101

"Do you know where I can find a good program for...?"
"Can you help me with a good program for...?"
"Is ABC a good program...?"

Ring-a-bell? They do to me. I get asked them almost everyday. Feeling cheeky I could reply, "Possibly", "Sure", and "Maybe", respectively. Those who know me recognise my wry grin.

They're interesting questions for two reasons. Firstly, no-one really wants a 'bad' or 'mediocre' program, do they? They want a "good" program. Secondly, what is a program?

What a program is depends upon your perspective, experience and, importantly, your expectations.

To some a program is having a weekly routine; to others, its a chapter or page from a magazine, a journal, a blog, a website or  a book; to some, it's a series of sessions repeated on a weekly (or thereabouts) basis; to many, it's a series of sessions that require them to go further, or faster, or run hills etc; some even consider it getting a tweet or email or SMS from their coach that outlines the daily session/s to complete; a few would consider it going out and training according to how they feel.

None of these 'definitions' or 'types' of programs are necessarily right or wrong. It depends upon how you look at them, and what you were expecting. It depends upon your context, and how you go about framing your view of a program.  (I return to 'context' and 'framing' another day).

To me a program has a number of fundamental or basic elements.

Firstly, a program is a journey. This journey is all of planned, reflective (is revised over time), reactive (or flexible, catering for 'stuff that happens'), respectful (individualised or customised), and robust (includes a range of elements).

A program is not a routine or schedule to be blindly followed or adhered is a living, ongoing entity.

Secondly, like a journey your program has three parts: (1) a destination - your finish point, where you want to end-up, your aim or ultimate outcome; (2) it takes stock of your current position - where you're at, what your'e currently doing, and what you think you need to do; and, (3) it also considers your past - where you've been, what you've done, what worked and what didn't, and what you've learnt.

A program is not a schedule of sessions that you're given, or have been taken from a source, that aren't adapted to you and your context.

Thirdly, a program must be planned. This planning gives you direction. It respects where you've been, has considered where you're at, and points you in the direction of your destination. It provides guidelines. It highlights complementary elements to assist you in 'staying on track'. It highlights progressions and milestones in a descriptive and, sometimes, quantitative sense.

Each of these are based upon the demands of your event, and your capacity to progress to meeting these demands.

A program is not a serious of random sessions; it is not a routine of sessions completed a little further and/or faster each week; it is not a compilation of daily or weekly emails or posts or tweets or SMSs.

Finally, a program is based upon fundamental principles of training: individuality, specificity, adherence, progression, overload, recovery, variety - all based upon science, knowledge and 'known stuff', yet applied, combined, mixed, brewed or created with the deft wisdom of an artist.

Programs come in all shapes and sizes. They also come with various degrees of professionalism, effectiveness, and price-tag$.

An "effective" program for you, ultimately, is based around you and your progress toward the goal/s you wish to achieve. Where you start, how you get there, and how you manage the road-blocks, detours, road-works and accidents along the way - the journey - is the special aspect of your program. It is the "good" in a good program.

A program is your journey.

How does your current program stack up?
Alarm bells?